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Mac OS X: Hiding files - how to make them invisible

Unlike Windows, you can't hide files on Mac OS X as easily. There is no function for this via the Finder, instead you have to hide a file directly via Terminal. You need this to rename files to a certain format so that they are not displayed.

Hiding Mac OS X files - renaming them makes it work

With the help of Terminal, you can make the impossible possible. By formatting the name of a file in a certain way, it will no longer be displayed in the Finder.
  1. First start Terminal by entering the term [Terminal] via the Spotlight search and clicking on the icon with the black window.
  2. Now you need the path to the folder or file that is now to be hidden. For files, it is important to specify the absolute path.
  3. In the example, it looks something like this: [~/documents/music]
  4. Now to hide the directory, use the command [mv ~/documents/music ~/document/.music]
  5. A dot will be prepended to the name, which means that the directory will no longer be displayed in the Finder.

How does it work with individual files?

  1. As noted before, it is important to have the full path to the file. Das bedeutet, dass Sie sowohl den Namen als auch das Format benötigen.
  2. Nutzen Sie nun den Befehl wie oben beschrieben und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Datei mitsamt ihrer Endung am Schluss des Pfades steht.

By Stanley

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