HOME > Gaming > Blizzard: Show Total Game Time - Is That Even Possible?

Blizzard: Show total game time - is that even possible?

It's long been common for gaming clients like Steam to show the total game time for each of your games. However, Blizzard games that traditionally run in the Battle.net client lack this info. We explain the situation.

At Blizzard, you have to manually and specifically search for the game time display.

Many millions of hours of game time have been run through the Battle.net client. An exact display does not exist despite or perhaps precisely because of this.

Blizzard: How to find out the game time

You have to find out the game time of your Blizzard games individually:
  • There is officially no display of the total game time in the Blizzard launcher. Also in the account there is no information about this.
  • However, it is possible to find out the game time for individual games. In World of Warcraft, you simply have to enter "/played" in the chat window. In Diablo 3, you can see the playtime for each individual character in the overview.
  • In addition, there are add-ons for some Blizzard games that help with the playtime display, most notably for World of Warcraft.
Why Blizzard continues to not display the playtime in the client is not known. In some cases,

By Katee

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