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Reddit: These are the biggest subreddits of the platform

Reddit counts many millions of users worldwide. Since all content is generated exclusively by the community, the number of users is also relevant for the statistics of the subreddits. We present the largest subreddits.

Large gap: there is no German community among the largest subreddits.

Subreddits are topic-related channels, communities or even subforums in which posts are created. Without subreddits, consequently, not much goes on Reddit and the look at the largest subreddits becomes all the more interesting.

The largest subreddits at a glance

The size of a subreddit is defined solely by the number of subscribed users. The following numbers were recorded in October 2019:
  1. r/funny: 26.7 million
  2. r/askreddit: 24.7 million
  3. r/gaming: 23.8 million
  4. r/pics: 23 million
  5. r/science: 22.5 million
  6. r/worldnews: 22.3 million
  7. r/aww: 22.1 million
  8. r/todayilearned: 21.6 million
  9. r/movies: 21.6 million
  10. r/videos: 21.4 million
The most important German subreddit r/de, on the other hand, takes on 210.000 members rather modestly from, the tendency is however rising. Strictly speaking, r/announcements is in first place with just under 46 million users. Da es sich dabei um einen von Reddit selbst erstellten Kanal für offizielle News und Ankündigungen zur Plattform handelt, läuft dieser Subreddit außer Konkurrenz.

By Barnabe Kulakowski

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