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Shut down PC automatically: Windows 10

It is extremely convenient and power-saving to tell your computer different times to shut down automatically. It is enough to do a one-time setup for fixed times. If you want to specify a different time frame every day again, that is also possible.

Automatically shut down PC via Terminal

The Terminal is the most powerful area in your operating system. A whole range of useful commands are available to you here.
  1. Start the terminal using the key combination [Windows] + [R]. Now enter the command "cmd" in the new text box to open the terminal.
  2. Using the command "shutdown -s -t XXXX -f", you can force the computer to shut down after a certain period of time. Substitute X with the time in seconds.
  3. Using the same method, you also tell your computer to reboot. For this, replace the S with an R.
  4. Using the form "at XX:XX shutdown -s", you can specify a time in 24-hour format.
  5. Such commands or entire chains of commands can be created on the desktop as a shortcut.
  6. To do this, right-click on the desktop, select "New" > "Shortcut"
and type "cmd /c" followed by the instruction to shut down.

Shut down PC: How to do it via the Windows 10 search box

Thanks to the terminal, you can also shut down the computer directly via the Windows 10 search box. Open it by pressing the key combination of "Windows key" + "S" and enter the command "shutdown -s -f -t time". Replace the placeholder "time" with the time at which the PC should be shut down. Confirm the input with "Enter".

By Isbel Vanzyl

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