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Resident Evil 7 won't start - this helps

If you have successfully installed Resident Evil 7 on your PC, but the game does not start as desired, this can have different reasons. What are the most common sources of errors and how to fix them so that the game starts again, we explain in this article.

What to do if Resident Evil 7 does not start

If you want to play Resident Evil 7 on your PC, but the game does not start, this can have several reasons. For Resident Evil 7 to work, it is important that you have the latest driver for your graphics card installed.
  1. To check this, please open the Device Manager in Windows and look for the graphics card driver in the list that appears. Right-click the corresponding entry and select "Update Driver" to check for updates.
  2. If the cause of the startup problems is not the graphics card, it may be that the installed version of Visual Studio C++ is outdated and needs to be updated.
  3. Often it also helps to start the game as administrator. To do this, right-click on the Resident Evil 7 shortcut and select "Run as administrator".

Resident Evil does not start: More tips for Steam users

If you have purchased and installed Resident Evil 7 via Steam, it may help to update the "Redistributables" file in case of startup problems. To do this, navigate to the "Steam\SteamApps\common\ResidentEvil7\_CommonRedist\vcredist\" folder and run the "vcredist_64.exe" file. Additionally, you can also try checking for existing errors in Steam by right-clicking on the game and clicking "Check Game Files for Errors" under "Properties".

By Corella

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