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Rakuten TV via Fire TV Stick - is it possible?

With the Fire TV Stick it is possible to stream various movies and series on your TV. For this, you can choose from many streaming services such as Netflix, Maxdome or Rakuten TV. However, in order to use the service with the Fire TV Stick, you need the appropriate app.

How to stream Rakuten TV to your TV via Fire TV Stick

If you want to use a streaming service via Fire TV Stick to stream movies and series to your TV, this is only possible via a suitable app. There is also an app for Rakuten TV, both for iOS and Android. The problem: The app is not compatible with the Fire TV Stick.
  1. Raktuen TV cannot be used directly with the Fire TV Stick. Thus, it is not possible to stream the content of the provider via Fire TV Stick on your TV.
  2. If you still want to use the service, you have to take a detour.
  3. Using the so-called sideloading, you can download and use apps from other providers on your Fire TV. Beachten Sie bei dieser Vorgehensweise, dass schnell Schadsoftware auf Ihr System gelangen kann.
  4. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist die Verwendung von Chromecast, um über Ihr Smartphone auf Ihren Fernseher zu streamen.

By Hutchings

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