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Alternative to Windows - these operating systems are available

When looking for an alternative to Windows, you are faced with the choice between several free and paid operating systems. While you can easily download Linux Mint or Ubuntu from the Internet, using macOS is only possible on an Apple device.

Windows: these free alternatives are available

If you are not satisfied with Windows, there are several alternatives. A good alternative to Windows is Ubuntu, since the operating system of Linux is particularly beginner-friendly and intuitive to use.
  1. With the installation of Ubuntu, many programs, such as Libre Office, are already installed with. While Ubuntu convinces with higher security, the game speed is lower, since most games are not optimized for the operating system.
  2. Also a good alternative is Linux Mint. However, the operating system is more oriented to the Windows structure and offers you the choice between two user interfaces. Also with Linux Mint, the security is higher than with Windows, and many programs are already installed with.

MacOS as an alternative to Windows

Another good alternative to Windows is MacOS. The Apple operating system is slower in performance, but convinces with its high security and compatibility. In the App Store you can find many well-known programs and additionally apps developed exclusively for macOS. Since it is not possible to install MacOS on every computer, because the operating system is bound to the Apple hardware, your only option is to buy a Mac. However, depending on the model, these are very expensive.

By Edna

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