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Amazon Fire TV: No sound - what you can do about it

It can always happen that you want to start the evening on the couch, but a stupid error puts a spoke in your wheel. Once again, the sound doesn't work and the cause is unclear. Fortunately, the possible sources of error with the Amazon Fire TV are quite manageable.

Amazon Fire TV: No sound - what to do about it

Missing sound is a minor evil when it comes to the possible problems with your TV. Try the following options:
  1. To begin with, make sure that the TV is not muted. In addition, you should check the current volume and turn it louder than usual if necessary.
  2. Check the HDMI cable for possible defects. If the contact is not properly seated or the cable is damaged, the fault is probably to be found here.
  3. Also switch to the settings of your Fire TV. To do this, you need to switch from the home page in "Settings" and navigate to "Sounds and Screen".
  4. Under "Dolby Digital Output" you need to set the setting of "Dolby Digital Plus" to "Off".
  5. In a pinch, restart the TV and test the sound output again.
  6. Zusätzlich sollten Sie den Fernseher zwischenzeitlich auf eine andere Quelle umstellen und dort ebenfalls den Ton überprüfen.
  7. Auch möglich für den ausbleibenden Ton ist ein nicht installiertes Update der Software.

By Millford Fockler

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