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Football Manager 2020: Change currency - how to do it

The Football Manager series originated in Great Britain and became famous there. This origin still shows in FM 2020 in many aspects, such as the currency. Read how you can make the change.

Pounds, euros, US dollars and more: you can change the currency in FM 2020 at any time.

The British pound is the default currency in Football Manager 2020. However, this can be changed quickly.

Football Manager 2020: How to change the currency and the salary display

Proceed as follows:
  1. Open the "Settings".
  2. There you will directly see the option to change the currency.
In connection with this, many German players would also like to change the temporal indication of salaries. In the UK, weekly information is common; in Germany, however, they work with total annual amounts.To do this, you need to click on "Advanced" under "Settings" and then select "General". There, under "Salary", you can set whether salaries are displayed weekly, monthly or annually. 50,000 euros per week then becomes about 2.6 million euros per year, which is the preferred specification in this country.

By Harden Lesmerises

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