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Fritzbox: set up answering machine - how it works

With the Fritzbox it is possible to connect your devices to the Internet. However, the Fritzbox has many other features that can be very useful to you. If you want people whose calls you miss to leave a message, it is important that you set up your answering machine.

How to set up your Fritzbox's answering machine

An answering machine is especially useful if you want people to leave a message if you miss their call. If you own a Fritzbox, it is not necessary to get additional hardware, because it already has an answering machine. However, before you can use it, you need to set up the device. An announcement may last a maximum of 60 seconds and must be in a WAV or MP3 format.
  1. Go to the user interface of your Fritzbox and switch to the tab "Telephony".
  2. Then click on "Telephony devices" in the menu.
  3. Here you now select the button "Set up new device".
  4. Under "Integrated into the Fritzbox" you will find the option "Answering machine" and then click on "Next".
  5. Now you can select specific phone numbers to which the answering machine should respond. Dabei können Sie eine Rufnummer nur einem Anrufbeantworter zuordnen.
  6. Alternativ wählen Sie die Option „auf alle Rufnummern reagieren“ aus. Dies können Sie jedoch nur beim ersten Anrufbeantworter auswählen.
  7. Haben Sie alle Einstellungen wie gewünscht durchgeführt, klicken Sie auf „Weiter“ und auf „Übernehmen“.
  8. Nun können Sie Ihren Anrufbeantworter konfigurieren.

By Ruphina Bester

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