HOME > Browser > Chrome: Change Design - These Options You Have

Chrome: Change design - these options you have

There are different browsers that you can use as a user. If you surf with Chrome from Google, then you also have the option to customize the design, in addition to many other functions. Thereby, ready-made layouts are already available to you, which you can apply in just a few steps.

How to change the design of Chrome

If the look of your browser becomes too monotonous, you have the possibility to customize it with various designs. The theme includes the browser frameand the background when you open a tab. To choose a new theme, you can use the Chrome Web Store.
  1. So first open the Chrome Web Store on your computer.
  2. Here, click on the "Theme" category on the left side of the window.
  3. Now pick a suitable theme from the list.
  4. If you want to apply a theme, click on the "Add" button located in the upper right corner.
  5. After that, the theme will be installed. Über den „Rückgängig“-Button können Sie das Design wieder deinstallieren.

So stellen Sie das Design auf die Standardeinstellung zurück

  1. Öffnen Sie Ihren Browser und klicken Sie auf das Menü-Icon, das sich oben rechts befindet.
  2. Wählen Sie im Dropdown-Menü den Punkt „Einstellungen“ aus.
  3. Unter „Darstellungen“ gibt es die Schaltfläche „Auf Standarddesign zurücksetzen“.
  4. Klicken Sie auf diese, um das Standard-Design zu erhalten.

By Rona Minaai

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