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Huawei P Smart: Connect Smartphone to TV

By now it is absolutely no problem to connect your smartphone to the TV. So you can enjoy your favorite photos or funny videos together with friends and family on the sofa in front of the TV. To connect to the TV, all you need is an app.

Huawei P Smart: Connect smartphone to TV

Generally, it is now standard to connect the smartphone wirelessly to the TV. There are two different options available.
  1. In order to connect your Huawei P Smart with the TV, it must be connected to the Internet and both devices must also be on the same network.
  2. Now you can go to the Google Play Store and search for apps that allow a connection to the TV.
  3. The app AllCast is rated as particularly positive and can also be downloaded for free.
  4. After installation, you can open the app on your smartphone, and by tapping "Stream", you send your photos and videos directly to the TV.

Huawei P Smart: TV connection through Mirror Share

  1. If your TV supports Mirror Share, you do not need a special app.
  2. Ziehen auf Ihrem Smartphone die Schnelleinstellungen von oben herunter und aktivieren Sie „Mirror Share“.
  3. Nun wechseln Sie in die Galerie und tippen bei einem beliebigen Foto auf das „Mirror Share“-Symbol.

By Arie Kempner

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