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Give Amazon Prime as a gift - it's possible now!

With Amazon Prime, you can have orders shipped faster and usually receive them the next business day or the day after. If you want to treat a relative or friend to this benefit as well, you can give a Prime membership as a gift. This will give them access to all the benefits of Amazon Prime.

Giving away Amazon Prime - how does it work?

The bad news is that so far Amazon Prime can only be given away to friends and relatives in America. The good news, on the other hand, is that the service is likely to come to Germany as well.
  1. The only way to unlock Prime for your friends and family is to pass on your own account.
  2. Within Amazon, multiple bank details as well as delivery and billing addresses can be specified in one account.
  3. Different watch lists are also no problem, so that several people can use an account independently of each other.

Giving away Amazon Prime: How does that work in America?

  1. In Amerika können Sie einen Gutschein bei Amazon kaufen und das aufgeladene Guthaben anschließend zur Bezahlung einer Prime Mitgliedschaft verwenden.
  2. Andere Personen können also den Gutschein materiell oder digital empfangen und online im eigenen Konto einlösen.
  3. Anschließend wird eine Prime Mitgliedschaft beantragt und mit dem Guthaben auf dem eigenen Konto verrechnet.
  4. Über diesen Bezahlvorgang haben Nutzer die gleichen Funktionen und Möglichkeiten in vollem Umfang zur Verfügung.

By Camey Nayna

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