HOME > Gaming > Dota 2: Techies Offlane Play - This Option Is Available

Dota 2: Techies offlane play - this option is available

The game Dota 2 has long been one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena games, along with League of Legends. The task of the game is to protect your own "Ancient" with your team and destroy the opponent's.

This is how you can play Techies offlane in Dota 2

In Dota 2 you play in a team with five players against another team. The goal is to destroy the opponent's "Ancient" and meanwhile protect your own. There are different heroes that provide different abilities. If you also want to play Techies offlane, there are some things to consider. However, you can support your team with the hero and prevent the carry of the opponents from leveling.
  1. At the beginning, get a Null Talisman, a Clarity Potion and a Town Portal Scroll.
  2. Then teleport to the T1 tower with the Scroll and lay the first mines along the lane.
  3. Then follows the Soul Ring. First buy the Sage`s Mask and then the Ring of Regeneration and recipe. Then folgeb the Tranquil Boots.
  4. Depending on how well the game goes, get the Aghanim`s Scepter first, otherwise the Force Staff. Danach follgt der Eul`s Scepter.
Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie Ihre Minen entlang der Offlane legen und anschließend auch zwischen den Bäumen, die zum Jungle der Radiant führt. Legen Sie Minen auch an der Treppe, die von Ihrer Offlane zum Fluss zur Mitte führt.

By Nappy Tabares

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