HOME > Components > Raspberry Pi: Install Whatsapp - How To Do It

Raspberry Pi: Install WhatsApp - how to do it

The Raspberry Pi is a popular mini-computer with which you can use many useful gadgets. Even WhatsApp can be used on this little all-rounder. All you need to do is install the right packages and have a free phone number that is not yet linked to WhatsApp.

How to install WhatsApp on the Raspberry Pi?

Make sure that the Raspberry Pi is up to date. To do this, simply issue the commands "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade" and "sudo rpi-update".
  1. To install WhatsApp on the Raspberry Pi, you will need "Yowsup". For this, use the following commands: "sudo apt-get install python-dateutil", "sudo apt-get install python-setuptools", "sudo apt-get install python-dev", "sudo apt-get install libevent-dev", "sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev".
  2. Now pull the library from GitHub with the command "git clone git://github.com/tgalal/yowsup.git" to the Pi and install the library with "sudo python yowsup/setup.py install".
  3. Use the command "python yowsup-cli registration -- requestcode sms --phone 49XXXXXXXXX --cc 49 --mcc 232 --mnc 10" to register your phone number with WhatsApp. Replace the X with your number.
  4. Once you receive the confirmation SMS from WhatsApp, enter the command "python yowsup-cli registration --register YYY-YYY --phone 49XXXXXXXXX --cc 49". Ersetzen Sie X mit Ihrer Nummer und Y mit dem Code, den Sie in der SMS finden.

By Giovanni

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