My Time at Portia: Make your house bigger - here's how it works
A bigger house is one of the goals in My Time at Portia. To achieve this, you need to progress in the game. Our guide explains what to do then and what costs are involved.
Home sweet home: you can upgrade your house in several stages.
In your house you go to sleep every night - saving is thus automatic. But the importance of accommodation in My Time at Portia goes beyond that.My Time at Portia: How to upgrade your house
To upgrade your house, you need to call the catalog at A&G Construction - just like for the improvement of the worktable so.- At the start of the game, the house is on level 1. The highest level is 4, so there are three improvements possible.
- The upgrade costs increase sharply with each level: For level 2 you need 10,000 Gols, 20 bronze ingots and 20 hardwood planks. While this is still relatively easy to do, the next upgrade requires 50,000 Gols as well as advanced materials like Tempered Glass.
- With each upgrade, the limit on the value improvements your character can receive from furnishings increases.
- At level 2, the ability to marry an NPC is unlocked. Auf Stufe 4 können Sie außerdem Kinder haben.