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Excel: SVERWEIS column index - how to use the search function

With the help of the SVERWEIS formula you can search in Microsoft Excel for search criteria specified by you within a column or row. Especially with large amounts of data, the SVERWEIS function is a handy helper to save time and quickly search for desired entries.

SVERWEIS syntax: How the function is structured

In Excel, the abbreviation "SVERWEIS" stands for perpendicular reference. The SVERWEIS function allows you to search columns and their rows in Excel according to a criterion you define.The formula for the SVERWEIS function is structured as follows:"=SVERWEIS(search_criterion;matrix;column_index;[range_reference])"
  • Search_criterion: specify the field in which the search_criterion is located. So, the field you specify will serve as the search field where you can enter the search terms. If the field is empty, you will get the error message "#NV".
  • Matrix: About this argument you specify the search range.
  • Column index: Enter the column number here to specify where Excel should search for the search term.
  • [Range_Reference]: Using this argument, you specify whether the search term must match completely (FALSE) or whether there may be slight deviations (TRUE).

What you need to keep in mind when using

Make sure that the formats between matrix and search field match. Otherwise, you may just get an error message instead of a decent search result. So, for example, if you are searching for a number in the matrix, the values in the table must also be specified as a number. If you don't know some values in the table, you can replace the gaps with a wildcard character to avoid error messages.

By Ramin

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