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Excel: If value in column then - this is how you use the function

If you want to format cells in a column depending on their contents, there are various functions available. You can use the IF-THEN function to check the contents of a cell and then format it accordingly, such as the color of the font or background.

How to use the "IF-THEN" function in Excel

In Excel you have the possibility to format a column depending on its content. For this purpose you can use the IF-THEN function. If a certain value occurs in a cell, then a predefined action is performed.
  1. The general syntax of the command is "=WENN(Condition;Then;Otherwise)" without quotes at the beginning and end.
  2. Make sure that function names are always written in capital letters. Inside the parentheses are then the arguments for the function, these are separated with a semicolon.
  3. This function can look like this in the table, for example: "=If(A2<4; "TRUE"; "FALSE")".
  4. This would mean: If the value in cell A2 is less than four, then output TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
  5. To apply the formula, you must first select an empty cell. Then write at the top of the function bar or directly in the cell the previously mentioned formula with the appropriate cell labels and press the Enter key.
  6. Here you can also define any output, for example, that values of a particular cell should be output instead of a simple text.

By Pleione Schmollinger

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