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Creating flyers with Word - here's what you should look out for

With flyers you can advertise a specific topic or your company. Optionally, it is also possible to use it to invite people to an event. If you want to create a flyer, you can use, for example, the word processing program Word from Microsoft.

How to create a flyer in Word

In the word processing program Word, you not only have suitable functions available with which you can create documents. Optionally, you can also create a flyer with it. With the appropriate steps, it is so possible to include the cut edges of the flyer.
  1. First open a new, empty document in Word.
  2. If you want to create a flyer, it is convenient to edit the document directly in landscape format. To do this, click on "Layout" > "Alignment" and then on "Landscape".
  3. After that, you have to set the margins via "Layout" > "Margins" > "Custom Margins" so that the text starts directly at the edge.
  4. Depending on how many folds the flyer should have, now create two or more columns. Click on "Insert" > "Table" and then click on "n x 1" table. Substitute "n" for the number of columns you want to have. Ziehen Sie die Tabelle an die Ränder des Dokuments, damit diese die Seite ausfüllt.
  5. Nun können Sie die Rahmen über „Tabellenentwurf“ > „Rahmen“ > „Kein Rahmen“ entfernen.
  6. Als nächstes können Sie den benötigten Inhalt einfügen. Achten Sie dabei auf die Innen- und Außenseiten des Flyers.

By Hemminger Walner

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