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Convert air pressure: How to convert psi and bar

Air pressure is not completely unimportant in everyday life - both car and bicycle drivers are the best example. Since there are two common units, psi and bar, we explain how to convert.

Solve pressure situation easily: The conversion of psi and bar is not complicated.

The unit psi comes from English and means "pound-force per square-inch". Since this calculation is not based on the metric system, pressures in Germany are usually given in bar.

This is how you convert air pressure from psi to bar - and vice versa

The conversion between the units is linear, which makes things pleasantly simple. Namely, 1 bar is equal to about 14.5 psi. Conversely, 1 PSI is about 0.069 bar. In addition, some practical examples for orientation:
  • The air pressure of bicycle tires depends strongly on the type of tire. For road bike tires, 9 or 10 bar are not uncommon, which corresponds to 130 to 145 psi.
  • Mountain bikes rely on thicker tires with lower pressures - depending on preference, an air pressure of less than 2 bar (about 30 psi) is possible. More than 3 bar (45 psi) are rather rare.
  • For car tires, there is also a certain range. The ideal values in each case depend on the vehicle, the tires and the load. Not uncommon in average cars is a pressure of about 2.5 bar rear, front it may then be slightly less, for example 2.2 bar. Converted, these are 36 and 32 psi.
Thanks to the above conversion coefficient, you can always do the conversion yourself in all applications. There are also numerous online tables for better orientation.

By Salomon

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