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iWatch: Measuring blood pressure - how it works

For athletes and fitness fanatics, the Apple Watch can be a real helper. Various apps track your athletic performance and can even display your blood pressure live. However, in order to measure blood pressure, a corresponding app must be installed beforehand and the watch must, of course, be worn on the wrist.

How to check your heart rate with an Apple Watch

To check your blood pressure using the Apple Watch, you first need to install the heart rate app.
  1. Once you have installed the app, you can already open it.
  2. Wait a moment until the app has measured your blood pressure.
  3. On the display you can now see your current blood pressure, your pulse and even various other statistics.
  4. Of course, you can also take a new measurement at any time during different activities and even set a notification for exceeding or falling below a certain frequency.

At these times, the heart rate is measured

  1. Should you use the training app for measurement, the Apple Watch measures your heart rate continuously during the workout and even three minutes after the end of the unit.
  2. Wird Ihre Herzfrequenz nicht automatisch angezeigt, überprüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen.
  3. Sie können die App selbstverständlich auch beenden, um eine dauerhafte Messung zu unterbinden.
  4. Sollten Sie die App aktiv lassen, wird die Apple Watch Ihre Herzfrequenz je nach Aktivität und Bewegung gelegentlich automatisch messen, auch wenn Sie nicht im Training sind.

By Alcine

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