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Amazon: Package received twice - what now?

Amazon is one of the largest online mail order companies in the world. For this very reason, it can happen that something goes wrong with an order. This can happen both by a human and by a software error. If you get a package twice through this, you may still not keep it.

This is what you must do if you receive a package twice from Amazon

If you have ordered an item on Amazon, it may well be an error. If you receive a package twice as a result, you are not allowed to simply keep it. Legally, you are required to inform Amazon of the error that occurred and then return the package. So that no additional costs arise for you, there is a certain option at Amazon.
  1. Go to the website of Amazon and log in with your account data.
  2. Then click on the top right button "My Account".
  3. Now select the option "My Orders".
  4. Here you have the option to report a problem and inform Amazon about the duplicate package.
  5. Alternativ können Sie direkt den Kundendienst darüber informieren.
  6. In der Regel erhalten Sie anschließend ein Rücksendeetikett von Amazon, das Sie auf dem Paket befestigen.
  7. Bringen Sie das Paket zum ausgewählten Versanddienst.
  8. Ist der Artikel sehr günstig, kann es durchaus passieren, dass Sie diesen behalten können, weil sich der Rückversand nicht lohnt. Dennoch müssen Sie den Fehler jederzeit melden.

By Betthezel Riveras

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