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How much does a drone cost? An overview

Drones are becoming increasingly popular today. They come in sizes from very small to very large with four, six or eight propellers. Their simple controls make drones perfect for everyone. How much a drone costs depends on the equipment and size.

What does a drone cost?

The cost of a drone cannot be so easily generalized. There are many smaller models that are already available for little money. But there are also a lot of larger multicopters that have a high price.
  1. The price of a drone depends heavily on its features. Drones that have an HD camera, can be controlled via GPS and have a long flight time are usually expensive.
  2. The price range is from 25 to 4,000 euros, depending on the model and application.
  3. Quadrocopters under 100 euros are usually considered rather plastic junk, but are good to get an initial overview of the control and the system.
  4. Drones from 100 to 2,000 euros offer you everything that the hobbyist heart desires. They can usually be controlled in different ways (apps, PC) and offer a high-resolution camera.
  5. Drones over 2,000 euros are often custom-made. Diesen müssen Sie extra bei einer Firma in Auftrag geben, die Ihnen dann einen Quadrocopter genau nach Ihren Bedürfnissen baut.
Bei der Kaufentscheidung müssen Sie sich die Frage stellen, für welche Anwendung Sie die Drohne benutzen wollen und welche Features Sie benötigen.

By Fabiola Voll

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