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Outlook: How to move a serial appointment

Outlook is an email service from Microsoft. The software is included in the Office 365 package or can also be used as an online version. Outlook allows you to organize your emails and set appointments. However, if you have set a serial appointment, further changes are usually difficult.

How to move a serial appointment in Outlook

In Outlook, you can organize your emails. You also have the ability to set appointments within the Outlook calendar. If an appointment occurs again and again, you can also save it as a serial appointment. If it has changed, all appointments must be changed or moved at the same time.
  1. First open the calendar in Outlook.
  2. Here you then select the series appointment that you want to move and open it.
  3. After that, a window opens by clicking on "Open appointment series" and then on "Open the series". Confirm the selection with "Ok".
  4. If you now want to move the appointment, you must switch to the tab "Appointment series" and then click on "Options".
  5. Then select the item "Series type".
  6. Nun können Sie alle gewünschten Änderungen an diesem Serientermin vornehmen, wie beispielsweise die Uhrzeit, das Datum oder ähnliches.
  7. Bestätigen Sie Ihre Veränderungen mit „Ok“.
  8. Anschließend drücken Sie auf „Speichern und schließen“, um Ihre Änderungen abzuspeichern und das Einstellungsfenster zu schließen.

By Dhu

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