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Music for YouTube videos: How to find legal songs

If you want to create a video for YouTube, you need to pay attention to some points so that the video is not blocked afterwards. Especially the music used can quickly lead to problems, as you should pay attention to the licenses and usage rights. There are also royalty-free songs.

You can legally use these songs as music for your YouTube videos

If you want to create a video for YouTube, then it is important to pay attention to the copyrights, licenses and other usage rights. Otherwise, you usually get problems already when uploading the video. In most cases, the video is blocked or cannot be uploaded to YouTube at all. If you are unsure about some music titles, just create the video with songs that are legal, free and royalty-free.
  1. It is difficult to find royalty-free music that is also free and GEMA-free. However, music that is under the Creative Commons license is the best option.
  2. These songs are usually free and GEMA-free, but they are under a specific license. Diese erlaubt Ihnen, die Musik lebenslang zu verwenden, verbreiten oder auch zu verändern.
  3. Sie sind dazu verpflichtet, jederzeit den Urheber und die geltende Lizenz zu nennen. Auch Änderungen oder neue Versionen müssen angezeigt werden.
  4. Eine weitere Möglichkeit bietet Ihnen Frametraxx. Die Musik dürfen Sie kostenlos verwenden, lediglich die Angabe der Quelle und den Link zur Webseite ist nötig.

By Hudgens Steeples

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