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connecting iPhone X to Apple TV: So easy it is

If you want to connect your Apple TV with the iPhone X, it is best to use the app "Apple TV Remote". You can get this for free from the App Store. After downloading the app, the setup is done through the control panel of your iPhone X.

Using iPhone X with your Apple TV

Your iPhone X and Apple TV can be connected through a free app. The application is called "Apple TV Remote" and is used to control the Apple TV via your smartphone and display content from the iPhone X on the Apple TV. For example, you can play music via the TV, show videos and photos, or use apps and games. To pair the TV and smartphone, open the app from the iPhone X's Control Center instead of the regular app menu.

How to connect the devices

  1. Install the Apple TV Remote app.
  2. Turn on the Apple TV.
  3. Connect your Apple TV and iPhone X to the same Wi-Fi.
  4. Swipe down from the top right corner of the screen to open the Control Center.
  5. Select "Apple TV Remote".
  6. You will see a list of available devices.
  7. Tippen Sie auf Ihren Apple TV.
  8. Auf dem Apple TV wird ein vierstelliger Code angezeigt.
  9. Geben Sie diesen auf Ihrem iPhone X ein.
  10. Die Verbindung wird hergestellt.

By Juliano Marrugo

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