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OpenAAE files - these options are available

When you work on the computer, you encounter numerous file extensions. These indicate the type of file. For example, if you receive a .docx file, then you can open and edit it with Word. However, if you encounter the extension AAE, then this is not so easy on Windows.

How to open AAE files on your computer

On your computer you will always come across new file extensions that do not always open on every system. This is also the case with AAE files on Windows computers. Files with the extension AAE are usually generated by a macOS device or another Apple device. In these files information is stored that indicates when the image was changed. So it is possible to undo changes that are not wanted at any time.
  1. An AAE file is a file with additional information about an image.
  2. This is not the actual photo. So it is not possible to access it via Windows.
  3. If you want to open the photo on your Windows PC, then already when copying the photo from your Apple device, make sure that you use the JPG file and not the AAE file.
  4. When copying directly between the two devices, it can also happen that changes are no longer visible, because they are stored in the AAE file and is not readable by Windows. Verwenden Sie in diesem Fall iTunes oder iCloud, um Dateien zu verschieben.
  5. Möchten Sie eine AAE-Datei einsehen, dann ist dies nur auf einem Apple-Gerät möglich.

By Isma

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