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Arthouse CNMA: Costs and content at a glance

With Arthouse CNMA, there is another provider that collects mainstream movies and lesser-known productions in one package. We name the cost of the trendy streaming service.

Affordable: Arthouse CNMA offers only one plan - and it's not exactly expensive.

Alternative streaming services are in demand, as Sooner's success shows. Arthouse CNMA does not go exactly the same way, but there are similarities nonetheless.

Arthouse CNMA: These are the costs

Here is all the info on Arthouse CNMA:
  • Arthouse CNMA costs 3.99 euros per month.
  • This offer is deliberately kept simple and clear - there are no other options.
  • Also, the term is always monthly, a longer subscription model does not exist.
  • For this quite reasonable price, you get access to a library consisting of well-known classics and Hollywood productions as well as arthouse works.
  • The streams are basically without advertising.
  • You can watch the content in the browser on the PC or via app on iOS, Amazon and Android mobile devices.
For SmartTVs, there is still no dedicated app, but via the detour with devices like Fire TV, the service is nevertheless easily available. The first 14 days are available as a free trial, to start go here.

By Grimaud Nguy

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