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Regex Tester in C#: How to check your expressions

If you want to check a string in C# for a certain pattern, for example whether it starts with an "S", you can use regular expressions for this. Depending on the criteria, these can become arbitrarily complex. For this reason, it is usually worth testing them beforehand with the help of a tool.

How to test your regex for C#

Regular expressions follow a certain syntax. If you want to filter certain characters in a string or check if they follow a pattern, C# already provides you with various methods. However, before you use your regular expression in code, you should test it extensively. This way you can be sure that it checks exactly what you want it to.
  1. If you want to check a string for a pattern, various websites can help you test your regex.
  2. For example, open Regex Storm via your browser. Alternatively, type "test regex" in a search engine of your choice to find even more providers.
  3. In the "Pattern" section, enter your regex that you want to check for correctness.
  4. In "Input", enter one or more test strings. Achten Sie darauf, verschiedene Strings einzutragen, die sowohl Ihren Ausdruck erfüllen als auch nicht.
  5. Wenn Sie zusätzlich möchten, dass die Matches ersetzt werden, dann aktivieren Sie das entsprechende Feld und geben das Zeichen ein, mit dem diese ersetzt werden sollen.
  6. Anschließend sehen Sie, ob Ihr Regex so funktioniert, wie Sie es wünschen.

By Rawdan

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