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Convert YouTube to GIF - this is how it's possible

Funny GIFs are sent more and more often on social media platforms or in chats. If you want to create a GIF from the clip of a YouTube video, you need a suitable tool. This can be an online application or a downloadable program.

How to convert a YouTube video to a GIF

With GIFs you can not only make a chat conversation more exciting. Also on Twitter or on Instagram small animations are used again and again. You can create GIFs yourself from images and videos or select them from an existing database. You can also convert an excerpt of a YouTube video into a GIF with the appropriate tool.
  1. Open the video in YouTube that you want to convert into a GIF.
  2. Then change the "youtube" from youtube.com to "gifs" in the upper address line in your browser. Then confirm the change with the "Enter" key.
  3. You will now be redirected to the appropriate web page.
  4. Now you can enter a name for your GIF above. Wait a few seconds until the video has loaded. Nun können Sie über die Zeitleiste unter dem Video einen bestimmten Ausschnitt auswählen.
  5. Über die Buttons in der oberen Leiste haben Sie zudem die Möglichkeit, Änderungen am Video vorzunehmen.
  6. Sobald Sie alle Einstellungen getroffen haben, klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche „Create Gif“.

By Vtehsta

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