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Windows 10: Desktop gone - what to do?

It can happen that suddenly all icons on the desktop are gone. However, this does not directly mean that all stored files and shortcuts are deleted. Especially when Windows is updated, display errors can occur from time to time, but they are easy to fix.

Windows 10 Desktop gone: How to get it back

Bas a basic point to clarify is that the desktop itself never disappears. It is a process that Windows runs permanently, but it can get into trouble.
  1. Start Task Manager by either right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting Task Manager from the context menu, or using the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Del] and clicking Task Manager there.
  2. Now switch to the tab for the processes and search for "Windows Explorer".
  3. Select the process and restart it or end it and start it manually via "File" and "New Process".

A display error?

  1. If it wasn't the process itself, a direct display error might be the problem.
  2. Look in your explorer to see if there are any files left on the desktop.
  3. Wenn dem so ist, klicken Sie mit rechts auf den Desktop,, wählen Sie aus dem Menü „Ansicht“ aus und stellen Sie sicher, dass die untere Option „Desktopsymbole anzeigen“ aktiviert ist.

By Alverta Drouse

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