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0x80072EE7 - how to solve the problem

When using the Windows operating system, various errors may occur. In most cases, a message is displayed afterwards. With the given error code, it is thus possible to find the cause of the error. In the case of the code 0x80072EE7, it is usually a problem with an update.

How to fix error 0x80072EE7

In order to continue using your Windows system without any problems, it is necessary to download and install updates regularly. If an error occurs during this process, a message with an appropriate error code is usually displayed. The error code 0x80072EE7 stands for ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. In this case, the server name or address could not be processed. This can be due to several reasons.
  1. First check if you are connected to the Internet. Restart your router if necessary, if there is an error here.
  2. Disable your firewall briefly and try again. If this worked, add the updates as an exception.
  3. Have you made proxy settings in the browser, then this can also cause the problem. Deaktivieren Sie diese und versuchen Sie erneut, das Update herunterzuladen.
  4. Ist die Windows-Uhr falsch eingestellt, kann das ebenfalls zu einem Fehler führen.
  5. Auch die Verwendung von Tuning-Tools können dafür sorgen, dass der Code auftritt.
  6. Deinstallieren Sie eventuell das Update, bei dem der Fehler auftritt, und versuchen Sie es erneut herunterzuladen.

By Stanford

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