How to cancel Spotify Premium
With Spotify Premium you get access to millions of songs for 9.99 euros per month. Especially the 30-day free subscription is reason enough for many music fans to try Spotify Premium. If you no longer want to use the streaming service after that, we'll show you how to cancel Spotify Premium.
If you want to cancel your Spotify Premium account, you can do so conveniently online.
Spotify Premium: Easy online cancellation in just a few steps
Important note: We recommend taking care of the cancellation early, otherwise Spotify Premium will automatically renew for 30 days. Use the following steps to cancel your subscription:- Log in to Spotify and go to "Account". You will find this option when you click on your name.
- In the navigation, click on "Subscription". You will now receive an overview of your current subscription.
- Then enter a reason for your cancellation under the question "Do you want to cancel your subscription?" and confirm by clicking "Next".
- Finally click "Cancel subscription" on the next page to complete the cancellation of Spotify Premium.