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Which Outlook version do I have? How to find out

If you want to find out which version of Microsoft Outlook you have installed on your computer, there is an info function for this in the program settings. How you access this overview depends on whether you're using Windows, macOS, a mobile device, or the browser app.

How to check your Outlook version on PC

To find out which Outlook version you have installed on your system, you need to do the following:
  1. Start Outlook and click "File" in the navigation.
  2. Now select "Office Account" in the menu on the left.
  3. At "About Outlook" you will find information about the installed version. Click on the "About Outlook" button, you will also learn whether you have a 32- or 64-bit version installed.
On iOS and Android devices, you can find detailed info about the version in the app settings under "Help and Feedback". You cannot view details about the browser version of Outlook because the app is not installed on your system.

How to check your Outlook version on Mac

If you are on a computer running macOS, you can find out what Outlook version you have installed in a similar way.
  1. Start Outlook.
  2. Click on "Outlook" in the top left navigation next to the Apple icon.
  3. A new menu bar will open, where you select the "Info" item. Then a new window appears with all the important information about Outlook.

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