HOME > Kitchen > Roasting In The Oven: With These Tips The Roast Will Be Delicious

Roasting in the oven: with these tips the roast will be delicious

If you want to conjure up a good roast, there are a few things to consider so that it becomes nice and juicy and tasty. For example, the quality of the meat as well as the right temperature plays an important role. Some ovens already have a suitable function that precisely regulates the temperature.

What to consider when preparing a roast in the oven?

The best way to prepare a roast is in an oven with a steamer.
  1. Sear the meat before you put it in the oven. This will give the roast a crispy crust, and the liquid from the inside won't seep out as easily. So the roast remains juicier.
  2. Most important is the core temperature of the roast when it is in the oven. This you should always keep an eye with a roast thermometer.
  3. You usually prepare a roast at about 180 degrees in the oven. How quickly it is then ready, depends on the size of the roast.
  4. Beef is still nice and pink at a core temperature of 60 degrees. Pork, on the other hand, you should definitely roast through. Dies gelingt bei einer Kerntemperatur von 75 Grad.
  5. Am besten wird der Braten gegart, wenn Sie ihn bei einer niedrigen Temperatur von 120 Grad zubereiten. Hier ist die Zubereitungszeit jedoch auch um ein Vielfaches höher als bei einem Braten, der bei 180 Grad zubereitet wird.
  6. Vergessen Sie nicht, den Braten alle paar Minuten mit seinem eigenen Saft zu übergießen. Dadurch bleibt er feucht und saftig.

By Andras

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