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When did Facebook exist!

Almost everyone has a Facebook account these days. This is a social network that allows you to post pictures and messages via a private profile. But how long has Facebook been around?

How long has Facebook been around?

Mark Zuckerberg studied psychology and computer science at Harvard University. There he developed the predecessor of Facebook called "facemash.com" in 2003. In the process, Zuckerberg originally posted the photo of female students online without permission and had them rated by users of the website. Since the female students knew nothing about it, they complained to the university administration and eventually the page was removed from the network.
  • Facebook as you know it today went live in the spring of 2004 under the name "TheFacebook".
  • Despite accusations from other fellow students that the idea had been stolen from Zuckerberg, Facebook grew in popularity and quickly spread across the Harvard campus.
  • Soon, more Ivy League universities joined in, and soon other users around the world joined in.
  • Der News-Feed auf der Seite sorgte dann 2006 für den endgültigen Durchbruch.
  • Im Jahre 2011 lag die Nutzeranzahl bereits bei 800 Millionen Mitgliedern.
  • Auch ein Messenger wurde mittlerweile hinzugefügt, über den Sie mit Ihrem Smartphone private Nachrichten mit Freunden austauschen können.
  • Seitdem übernahm Facebook auch andere Unternehmen wie beispielsweise im Februar 2014 WhatsApp und im März desselben Jahres Oculus VR.

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