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Jira: Import CSV - how to import the file format

Jira is often used in software development, where it is used for error management and troubleshooting, among other things. If you want to use data from an external source in Jira, you can import it in CSV format, among other things. You can find out how to import data here.

How to import CSV files into Jira

You can use Jira's built-in import function to insert data from external sources into your project. Before importing, you should customize the data you want to transfer into Jira according to Jira guidelines and syntax. This is important, otherwise you may encounter problems during the import because the data cannot be read properly. For how to proceed to prepare the data, please refer to the official documentation.Follow these steps to import a dataset in CSV format:
  1. Open Jira and click on the gear icon to open the settings via the "System" item.
  2. Click on "External System Import" in the "Import and Export" category and select "CSV" as the format.
  3. Click "Choose File" and navigate to the file you want to import, select it and click "Open" and then click "Next" to continue.
  4. Select which project you want to import the data into using the drop-down menu and click "Next".
  5. Legen Sie nun über das Mapping und die Values fest, wie die Daten importiert und kategorisiert werdensollen.
  6. Klicken Sie abschließend auf „Begin Import“.

By Carlson Kass

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