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Anno 1800: Creating and building bridges - how it works

With bridges you can overcome watercourses like rivers and streams on your island in Anno 1800. Our guide explains what you should know about building bridges in the strategy hit and what newcomers often fail at.

Building bridges in the year 1800: With a little practice you can easily overcome rivers.

Especially Anno newcomers often find it difficult to build bridges, as they search for the appropriate option in the construction menu. However, this is not necessary.

Anno 1800: Bridges are built with roads

Because the bridge construction in Anno 1800 is done via the normal road construction:
  1. Select a road in the construction menu.
  2. Pull the road over the river.
It is important that the course of the bridge is straight. So if the construction does not work, this can only be because the alignment is not quite suitable. In this case, it usually helps to simply try out some positions until a solution appears.By the way, it is not possible in Anno 1800 to connect entire islands by bridges.

By Willamina

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