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Deleting iOS 12 Apps: Doesn't it work anymore?

The new version of iOS promises many innovations, but there are just as many problems since the update. For example, basic functions such as GPS or deleting apps can no longer be used properly. How you still delete apps in the version, we explain here.

Deleting iOS 12 Apps: These options you have

In the latest version 12 of iOS, it's no longer as easy to delete apps and their associated data. However, you can still remove apps from the device via a few ways.
  1. Unlock your iPhone and select an app you'd like to remove. Press and hold your finger on the icon until all the icons wiggle.
  2. Now tap the "X" to remove the app from the device.
  3. You will now be informed that deleting the app will also remove all data.
  4. Now select "Delete" to confirm the process.

iOS 12: Delete apps via settings

  1. Alternatively, you can also delete apps directly in the settings.
  2. Wechseln Sie dazu in die „Einstellungen“ und navigieren Sie weiter zu „Allgemein“ und anschließend zu iPhone-Speicher.
  3. Wählen Sie nun die gewünschte App aus und entfernen Sie diese durch „App löschen“.
  4. Bei Bedarf kann die App auch ausgelagert werden, wodurch Sie sie zwar auf dem iPhone nicht mehr nutzen können, Ihre Daten bleiben jedoch erhalten.

By Sluiter Salus

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