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GIF in Outlook - how to include the animation

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most popular email programs among companies. Sometimes it is useful to send an email with an attached animation. For example, if you want to attach a short animation of a problem or add a funny background to a message. GIFs can be inserted into Outlook just like normal images.

How to embed a GIF in Outlook?

You insert a GIF in Outlook in different ways, either via the menu or by drag & drop.
  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and create a new email. Enter the recipient and a subject.
  2. Write your text up to the point where you want to insert the GIF. Now you can simply drag & drop the GIF file into the email window. To do this, click on the file and drag it while holding down the mouse button on the email window.
  3. If you prefer to select the file from a directory, you can select the tab "Insert" at the top of the menu bar of Outlook.
  4. Click here on "Images" and search for the image on your PC. Once you have found it, highlight it and click "Paste". Sie können die Datei auch einfach doppelklicken.
  5. Das GIF sollte nun in der E-Mail angezeigt werden. Klicken Sie auf „Senden“, wird die E-Mail mitsamt GIF an den Empfänger versendet.

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