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Play Monopoly online

You surely know Monopoly as a popular classic board game, where the player has to try to build up a property empire in order to drive his opponents into bankruptcy. In today's age of technology, this game is now available online on your mobile device or for your web browser.

Playing online in your web browser

How to play Monopoly through your web browser:
  1. Make sure your device has an up-to-date version of Adobe Flash Player.
  2. Now open your web browser and go to the game page spiele-kostenlos-online.de.
  3. Select the category "Board games", which you can find at the top in second place.
  4. Now sort the displayed board games by alphabet and then go to the letter "M".
  5. Now you can find the game Monopoly and open by double-clicking.
  6. Finally, the game opens and you can start playing.

Download app for iOS and Android

How to download Monopoly to your mobile device:
  1. Connect your mobile device to the Internet.
  2. Öffnen Sie nun den Google Play Store oder den App Store Ihres Smartphones oder Tablets.
  3. Geben Sie in die Suchleiste „Monopoly“ ein und klicken Sie auf „Kaufen“ bzw. „Herunterladen“
  4. Leider ist die Monopoly-App nicht kostenlos, sondern kostet 4,49€.
  5. Haben Sie Monopoly erfolgreich heruntergeladen, können Sie die App öffnen und gegen den Computer oder im Multiplayer-Modus spielen.

By Zimmermann Hewell

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