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Linux: Who is logged in? How to get the information

In Linux you can create different users. So that you know which user is currently logged into Linux, you can simply have this information specified. This way you keep track and always use the right profile.

Easily get the right information

Even if several users use the same device, it can quickly become confusing. But you can use a simple command to get the necessary information.
  1. Select the terminal or open the application with the key combination of CTRL + ALT + T. You must press the keys simultaneously.
  2. Now enter the command "who" in the appropriate line and confirm your entry with Enter.
  3. Now you can see all users who are currently logged in. It is advisable that only the user who is actively using the device is logged in.

Can you simply log off all users?

Although it seems pleasant that you can automatically log off all users from Linux with one command, this process also brings problems. This is because all files should always be backed up beforehand. Because of this, all active users that you don't need at the moment must be logged out manually.

By Philipson

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