There's a lot of anticipation around the iPhone 13, and a mysterious iPhone that appeared in the Ted Lasso TV series has fueled the rumors: will it be him?
As one of the most famous mobile devices in the world since its debut, since Steve Jobs announced it in celebration during the opening conference of Macworld, on January 9, 2007, the arrival of a new iPhone is a highly anticipated event and therefore preceded by an impressive number of rumors.
The latest in chronological order comes from the TV series Ted Lasso, a comic series that, ironically, is broadcast on Apple TV+. Serve davvero un occhio attento per scovare un’indiscrezione nel flusso della serie (peraltro tra le più nominate agli Emmy 2021), ma è l’esempio cardine di cosa succede quando un prodotto è molto atteso com’è lo sono gli iPhone 13: tutti sono sull’attenti e nessuno trascura il minimo dettaglio, specie se, come accaduto finora, a parte qualche esemplare dummiem dell’aspetto “dal vivo" di iPhone 13 – quindi in condizioni reali e non tramite delle immagini renderizzate al computer – non c’è traccia. Un esemplare dummie, tra parentesi, non è altro che – semplificando – un fac-simile stampato in 3D a partire da un render CAD.
Il posteriore del misterioso iPhone
Apple potrebbe essersi lasciata sfuggire su una serie TV trasmessa sulla sua piattaforma un iPhone 13, o perché no, un prototipo di un futuro modello di iPhone. Va premesso subito che uno scenario di questo simile è molto improbabile, specie considerando quanto è attenta Apple a scongiurare questo genere di sviste. But the appearance is certainly curious and rumors, understandably, have run wild.
The mystery iPhone was caught on Ted Lasso's cameras both front and back. The rear surface, to be honest, looks like that of an iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 mini in white color, with the frame with angular edges and the typical two cameras arranged vertically. Already the resemblance to say the least extreme with the current iPhone 12 is enough to have no doubts, but as if that were not enough rumors have anticipated so far the rear surface of the iPhone 13 still with two cameras but arranged diagonally. So it is not an iPhone 13.
The front surface of the mysterious iPhone
It is on the opposite surface instead that insist the greatest doubts, if only because it clearly does not look like that of the current iPhone 12. To be honest it does not look like any other iPhone that has been produced or anticipated to date, because it lacks a detail not inconsiderable. The notch is absent, that is the black "band" on top of the screen that contains the sensors for secure unlocking with the face (FaceID), the camera and the earphone capsule.
A super modern solution, full screen, which many hope for the future of the iPhone but on which there has never been any news of work in progress, even in view of the iPhone 13 which will be presented soon. So, judging by the front surface alone, the mystery iPhone spotted in the Ted Lasso TV series is definitely not an iPhone 12, and it shouldn't be an iPhone 13 either, at least judging by the rumors that have come in so far. It would be nice if it was, but Apple probably isn't ready to ditch the notch just yet.