7 common tactics to steal your password

To create a secure password that is impossible to crack we need to know the techniques used by hackers to steal them from us, here are the most used When we need to protect one of our online accounts we almost always use a password to do so. Most of the time we try to … Read more

Recipes, shopping lists and more: apps for a better life

An indispensable companion for our lives: the smartphone has become an indispensable device. At work, in the car, while waiting for a bus, on vacation: smartphones offer an infinite number of apps that make our lives easier. Most importantly, they allow us to save a lot of time: it may be trite to say it, … Read more

WhatsApp, from December 31 will no longer work on these smartphones

From the parts of Menlo Park continue to clean up, removing support for old and no longer secure operating systems. This time it’s the turn of Windows 10 mobile Lovers of “vintage” smartphones in a while will have to say goodbye to one of the most popular apps in the world: WhatsApp. The famous instant … Read more

Sky, not only smartphone: now it’s also an Internet provider

After announcing the landing of its smartphone tariffs Sky makes it known that in 2019 its home Internet service will also arrive, here’s how it will be Since today Sky Italia appears in the Public Register of Communication Operators (ROC) of AGCOM, which means that the group behind the famous pay-TV can now provide an Internet service in … Read more