New Android malware, automatically buys apps from Google Play Store

Skyfin is a new malware that automatically downloads and buys apps from the Google Play Store. It spreads via an app that is not on the Google store Skyfin is a new malware that automatically buys and downloads apps from the Google Play Store, very discreetly, making sure that users do not notice anything. In … Read more

Tablets at school improve children’s learning

A study in Northern Ireland has shown how the use of iPads can increase learning and improve interaction between pupils and teachers The issue of children’s use of electronic devices has always divided people. Some say young children should avoid using smartphones and tablets, while others say these devices can help in education. And now … Read more

SNAI Down: it was a hacker attack

After 36 hours of down SNAI issues the first press release about the sensational down of its services: computer attack by unknown people. The very serious down of all SNAI’s services was caused by a computer attack, but according to Snaitech Spa (the parent company to which all SNAI’s legal gaming platforms are headed) there … Read more