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Washing rice before cooking: this is how it works and what it brings

Rice is a staple food in Germany, too, but is often not washed before preparation. We explain when washing rice can be useful and how easy it is.

Washed rice is better rice: most people share this opinion.

Washing removes starch. Since this serves as a binder, washed rice becomes less sticky after cooking. In addition, some types of rice contain impurities.

Washing rice before cooking: Two very simple methods

Thus, there are two possible reasons at once for which washing rice may be advisable. The methods are quite simple:
  • Place the rice in a fine-mesh strainer and hold it under running cold water.
  • Alternatively, you can put the rice in a bowl and fill it with cold water. Leave the rice for a short time, move the bowl and then pour off the water.
You can then prepare the washed rice in the desired way, whether in the pot or in the rice stove. As a result, you are guaranteed to get clean rice, which also has a firm consistency, not too mushy.

By Hutchins Sprowls

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