Rice makes you sick: avoid these mistakes
Have some cooked rice left over from the day before? Be careful when you reheat it the next day - it could be toxic.
It's best to serve it freshly cooked, otherwise rice will make you sick.
If you reheat cooked rice regularly and haven't gotten food poisoning yet, you've been pretty lucky so far. There are often spores of Bacillus cereus on uncooked rice, which do not die off completely even when cooked. If the cooked rice is now left at room temperature for a while, the spores germinate into bacteria - which then produce poisons. These toxins are not to be trivialized: they cause diarrhea and vomiting. So pay close attention to how you prepare rice and store it afterwards, because storage in particular is essential to ensure that the rice you reheat later is a safe food.This is how rice doesn't make you sick: storing cooked rice
The longer rice is stored at room temperature, the more time Bacillus cereus, has to multiply. So, if you have leftover rice from cooking that you want to reheat at a later time, you should immediately store the rest in the refrigerator. In the best case, within an hour. You can now store the rice in the refrigerator for circa one day until you reheat it and use it again. Longer than that, don't. Also, when reheating, make sure the rice gets hot enough to steam. This way you play it safe and kill any newly germinated bacteria. However, you should not reheat the rice more than once. So, to be on the safe side, cook smaller portions of rice on different days and enjoy the grains cooked until tender." Rice varieties: not all rice is the sameRice cooker
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