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Surface Pro 6: Swap hard drive - is that possible?

The Surface Pro 6 was first introduced by Microsoft in October 2018. Compared to its predecessor, minor changes have been made to the casing. In addition, new processors are used. If you want to swap the hard drive to get more storage space, then this is not so easy.

Is it possible to swap the hard drive in the Surface Pro 6?

The Surface Pro 6 has different amounts of storage capacity depending on the selected model. Minimally, you get a storage of 128 GB and maximally a 1 TB SSD hard drive. If the hard drive is defective or you need more storage, you can replace the hard drive, but this is not that easy.
  1. The Surface's display is heavily glued to the frame, so the device cannot be opened easily.
  2. If you still want to replace the hard drive, this is only possible in a roundabout way. You first have to loosen the glue with a hot air device or hair dryer.
  3. Be aware that you completely lose your warranty claim when replacing the hard drive. In addition, you should only perform this procedure if you are sure, as it can cause even more damage.
  4. You can find detailed instructions for the exchange of the hard drive on various websites, which you follow step by step.
  5. If you only need more storage space, then it is a good idea to connect an external hard drive via the USB port. Alternatively, you can use an SD card via the SD card reader.

By Tengler

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