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STATTAUTO Munich: These stations exist - an overview

In car sharing, there are more and more "free-floating" providers, but the station-based principle is also still established. The latter applies to STATTAUTO in Munich, making a look at the stations all the more important.

Over 100 stations: STATTAUTO's vehicles can be found everywhere in Munich.

Station-based car sharing must give its customers enough points of contact to be attractive compared to stationless models. Since STATTAUTO has existed in Munich for a long time, its distribution is correspondingly high.

STATTAUTO Munich: stations in all city areas

In total, STATTAUTO has over 100 stations in Munich. This number is too large for a complete listing, but already makes it clear that there are corresponding points in all city areas.In a rough overview, Munich can be divided into the four cardinal directions. For STATTAUTO, this means:
  • The north includes neighborhoods such as Maxvorstadt, Schwabing, Moosach and Freimann. It extends out to Dachau and Garching.
  • The east consists of Lehel, Au-Haidhausen, Neuperlach, Ramersdorf, Bogenhausen and Messestadt Riem.
  • The south includes Isarvorstadt, Sendling, Thalkirchen, Giesing, Unterhaching and Ottobrunn and also parts of Neuperlach.
  • The west includes Neuhausen, Schwanthalerhöhe, Pasing, Sendling-Westpark, Laim and Obermenzing. Er geht hinaus bis Starnberg, Olching und Gröbenzell.
Gerade im Stadtgebiet finden Sie in jedem Stadtteil gleich mehrere Stationen von STATTAUTO. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, stets ein Fahrzeug fußläufig zu finden, ist also hoch. Die komplette Stationsliste inklusive der genauen Adressen gibt es hier.

By Waddle

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