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Key combination: How to make the superscript character

For mathematical formulas and technical papers it is often essential: the superscript character. In programs like Word, you have options on how to create this special character. To do this, use either a handy keyboard shortcut or the power function within the application you're using.

How to use the keyboard shortcut for the Superscript 2 character

You basically have two options for creating the Superscript 2 character via keyboard shortcut:
  1. Use the key combination [AltGr] + [2] to create the Superscript 2 character. You can replace the two with other digits, so that they are then also superscripted.
  2. Use the key combination [Ctrl] + [+] to superscript all content from the cursor position. With this shortcut, you can generate a superscript text of any length. To undo this function, simply use the same key combination again.

How to create the superscript without a key combination

If you do not want to use a key combination to generate the superscript in Word, you can also create it from the Start menu. To do this, click on the "X superscript 2" icon in the Font menu item. The text in the document will now be superscripted. To undo this function, press this icon again.

By Clarice

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